Дэлхий дахинд
Эцэг эхтэйгээ шүүхээр заргалдсан одууд

Америкийн дуучин, жүжигчин Рианна эцгийнхээ эсрэг шүүхэд нэхэмжлэл гаргажээ. Өөрийнх нь гоо сайхны бүтээгдэхүүн, хувцасны “Fenty” брэндийг хувийн бизнесийн зорилгоор ашиглаж байна хэмээн тэрбээр эцгийгээ буруутгаж байгаа аж.
Рианнагийн эцэг авъяастнуудыг хайх “Fenty Entertainment” агентлагийг байгуулснаас хойш эцэг охины дунд маргаан дэгдэж эхэлжээ. Барбадосын дуучин бүсгүйн бүтэн нэр нь Робин Рианна Фенти юм. Эцэг нь “Fenty Beauty ба Savage & Fenty” брэндийнх нь нэрийг хувийн бизнесийн зорилгоор ашиглахыг оролдож байна гэж дуучин Рианна үзэж байгаа аж. Ингээд эцэг эхтэйгээ шүүхээр заргалдаж байсан алдартнуудтай танилцая.
Дөнгөж карьераа эхэлж байхад нь Америкийн алдарт дуучин, жүжигчин Бейонсегийн хамгийн гол дэмжигч, урамшуулагч нь түүний эцэг Мэтью Ноулз байжээ. Тэрбээр охиныхоо төлөө ажлаа хаяж, продюсорын ажилд бүхий л цагаа зарцуулдаг байсан аж.
Гэсэн хэдий ч энэ бүхэн үнэн хэрэгтээ ашиг харсан шийдвэр байсныг Бейонсе 2011 онд олж мэджээ. Хөрөнгө мөнгөнөөс нь хэдэн саяар нь хувьдаа авсан эцгээ Бейонсе шүүхэд өгсөн байна. Бейонсегийн эцэг луйвар хийсэн хэргээр ногдуулах шийтгэлээс бултаж чадсан хэдий ч охинтойгоо одоо хүртэл харьцаагүй байдаг гэнэ.
Ээжтэйгээ тааруухан харилцаатай байдгаа Америкийн рэпер Эминем нууж байгаагүй юм. Тиймдээ ч ээжийгээ хар тамхи, согтууруулах ундаанд донтсон гэж буруутгадагаа дуунууддаа тусгадаг байжээ.
Эминемийн ээж Дебби Мэтерс 2008 онд “Миний хүү Маршал, миний хүү Эминем” нэртэй номоо гаргаж байсан бөгөөд өөрийг нь гүтгэн доромжилсны төлөө хүүгээ шүүхэд өгч байжээ. Жилийн дараа зүрхэндээ хагалгаа хийлгэж, хүндээр өвдсөн ээж нь хүүтэйгээ харилцаагаа сэргээхийг оролдож байсан хэдий ч Эминем ээжтэйгээ эвлэрэхээс татгалзсан байна.
Дрю Бэрримор
Америкийн жүжигчин Дрю Бэрримор хүүхэд байхаасаа л нэрд гарсан юм. Түүний ээж Жейд Бэрримор охиноо багаас нь л задгай амьдралын хэв маягт сургажээ. Дрю 9 насандаа тамхи татаж, 11 насандаа согтууруулах ундаа хэрэглэж эхэлсэн бол 13 насандаа анх удаа хар тамхины эмчилгээ хийлгэж байсан аж.
Амиа хөнөөхийг завдсаныхаа дараа Дрю ээжийгээ шүүхэд өгч, асран хамгаалагчийнх нь эрхийг хасуулж байжээ. Мөн түүний ээж Жейд охиныхоо багадаа хэрэглэж байсан эд зүйлийг нь зарж худалдаж байсан аж. Ээж охин хоёр олон жилийн туршид харилцаагүй явсан хэдий ч 2001 онд харилцаагаа сэргээсэн байна.
Маколей Калкин
“Гэртээ ганцаараа” кинонд гол дүр бүтээсэн, Холливүүдийн хамгийн алдартай жүжигчин хүү Маколей Калкинд олсон мөнгөө шударгаар захиран зарцуулах эрхийнхээ төлөө эцэг эхтэйгээ шүүхээр заргалдахад хүргэсэн үе байжээ. Олон саяын хөрөнгө мөнгө нь эцэг эхтэйгээ байнгын зөрчилдөх гол шалтгаан болж байсан аж.
Маколей Калкины эцэг эх нь асран хамгаалагчийн эрхийг өөрсөддөө авахыг завдаж, продюсоруудад хэтэрхий их шаардлага тавьж байсан нь эцсийн дүндээ залуу жүжигчний карьерыг сүйрүүлж орхисон юм. Насанд хүрмэгцээ Маколей Калкин шүүхэд хандаж, дансанд нь байсан 17 сая ам.доллараа өөрөө захиран зарцуулах эрхтэй болсон байна.
Эх сурвалж: montsame.mn

Дэлхий дахинд
China reaffirms commitment to reform, opening up at “two sessions”

BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) — Those keen to understand the trajectory and focus of the world’s second-largest economy will find a recurring theme at China’s “two sessions” this year — reform and opening up.
At the ongoing annual sessions of China’s national legislature and top political advisory body — the first since last July’s reform-themed third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China — reform was once again highlighted across a broad spectrum of areas, ranging from rural development and improving fiscal, tax and financial systems, to education and health care.
The “two sessions” agenda has also underscored China’s commitment to expanding high-standard opening up and stabilizing foreign trade and foreign investment.
“Regardless of changes in the external environment, we should remain steadfast in our commitment to opening up,” said a government work report submitted to China’s national legislature for deliberation on Wednesday. “We should steadily expand institutional opening up and take the initiative to open wider and advance unilateral opening up in a well-ordered way, to promote reform and development through greater openness.”

(250309) — BEIJING, March 9, 2025 (Xinhua) — An aerial drone photo shows U.S. carmaker Tesla’s Megafactory in Shanghai, east China, Feb. 8, 2025. (Xinhua/Fang Zhe)
An aerial drone photo shows U.S. carmaker Tesla’s Megafactory in Shanghai, east China, Feb. 8, 2025. (Xinhua/Fang Zhe)
China’s commitment to reform and opening up is reflected in the latest development on the country’s southernmost island province of Hainan, where the free trade port will begin independent customs operations in 2025.
On the sidelines of the “two sessions,” Cai Qiang, a national legislator and deputy director of the Office of the Hainan Free Trade Port Working Committee, said the tax system tailored to the Hainan Free Trade Port is taking shape, and efforts will be made to further upgrade its preferential tax policies.
China pledged to accelerate the implementation of core policies for the free trade port this year, and improve opening up and development policies for economic development zones, according to the government work report.
From deepening reform in its special economic zones already established to further easing market access restrictions for investment, China has consistently championed reform and opening up, boosting its high-quality development and sharing opportunities with the rest of the world.
Since 1978, reform and opening up has transformed a once-impoverished country into a market-oriented economic powerhouse, with China’s per-capita GDP surging from 156.4 U.S. dollars in 1978 to 12,614.1 dollars in 2023.
China’s GDP grew by 5 percent year on year in 2024, ranking among the world’s fastest-growing major economies and continuing to contribute about 30 percent to global economic growth.
Yet challenges remain. Domestically, the country faces headwinds, including insufficient demand to reinforce its economic recovery while fostering innovation-driven development. Globally, businesses must navigate escalating trade tensions, rising protectionism, and the latest wave of technological revolution reshaping industries, production models and lifestyles.
The Chinese leadership has made it clear that challenges arising from reform and opening up can only be solved by pressing ahead with reform and opening up, demonstrating a firm determination to address the risks and obstacles on the path ahead.
China targets an economic growth rate of around 5 percent this year, as policymakers are determined to secure a steady recovery through decisive and effective measures.
“By deepening reform, opening up and innovation across the board and enhancing the intensity of our macro policies, we will develop new drivers of growth and have the ability and conditions to achieve this target,” according to a report from the State Council on the implementation of the 2024 plan for national economic and social development and on the 2025 draft plan, which was submitted to lawmakers for review on Wednesday.
Liao Wenbin, a national legislator and mayor of Yibin City in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, sees 2025 as a crucial year for further, more comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up, saying that reforms are set to open up a broader space for the country’s high-quality development.

(250309) — BEIJING, March 9, 2025 (Xinhua) — This photo taken on May 8, 2024 shows a roll-off ceremony of the 6 millionth car produced by BMW Brilliance Automotive (BBA) in Shenyang, northeast China’s Liaoning Province. (Xinhua/Pan Yulong)
Though the “two sessions” focus mainly on China’s domestic development policies, China’s high-quality development is increasingly creating shared opportunities for the world and its open market is becoming truly global.
In a world filled with uncertainties, the ongoing “two sessions” have sent an unequivocal message: China is committed to expanding high-standard opening up and continues to share development opportunities with the world.
According to this year’s government work report, China will broaden international cooperation by further opening up to promote greater mutual reinforcement and higher-standard positive interplay between domestic and international economic flows.
“Opening up has been a pivotal driver of China’s development, and the Chinese government remains steadfast in its commitment to advancing openness, pushing to open its doors even wider,” Shen Danyang, director of the Research Office of the State Council, told a press briefing on Wednesday when elaborating on the report.
This year’s report outlines several new measures for opening up, highlighting efforts to foster a first-rate business environment that is market-oriented, law-based and internationalized, Shen said.
Embracing the country’s emerging opportunities, foreign giants like Tesla and BMW have expanded their presence in China, leveraging its vast industrial ecosystems and consumer market to drive breakthroughs in electric vehicles, renewable energy and advanced materials.
A recent report from the American Chamber of Commerce in South China shows that approximately 58 percent of foreign companies surveyed consider China to be one of their top three investment priorities, and 76 percent plan to reinvest in the country in 2025.
Jiang Ying, Deloitte China chair and a national political advisor, emphasized that China’s ongoing commitment to high-standard opening up will draw greater international capital and technology to the Chinese market while simultaneously boosting the global reach of Chinese products and services.
Дэлхий дахинд
How DeepSeek is rewriting AI’s future

Editor’s note: Yi Xin is a Beijing-based international affairs commentator. The article reflects the author’s opinions and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
Just weeks ago, OpenAI, the golden child of Silicon Valley, found itself facing an unexpected challenger: DeepSeek, a cost-effective Chinese AI model that emerged quietly yet managed to rival OpenAI’s capabilities. Its arrival marks a significant shift in the global AI landscape, signaling the dawn of an inclusive AI era on the horizon.
The myth of AI exceptionalism
When OpenAI was launched in 2015, its mission was clear: to harness technologies as public goods for all people. With its cutting-edge technology and forward-looking vision, OpenAI quickly became a magnet for capital. Wall Street investors scrambled to invest, fearing they might miss the golden ticket to success in the coming AI era. Yet as Wall Street billions flooded in, priorities shifted. “We became prisoners of our own hype,” admitted a former OpenAI engineer.
The industry had long accepted a rigid creed: Groundbreaking AI requires three essential inputs – elite PhDs, proprietary data fortresses and near-infinite funding. The message was clear: Innovation without endless resources wasn’t just difficult, but impossible – a convenient dogma that ensured Silicon Valley’s superiority while the rest of the world scrambles to catch up, if not give up entirely.
This remained the case until January 2025, when an unheralded challenger from Hangzhou, an innovation hub in China, flipped the script. Against all odds, DeepSeek built models that match – and, in some cases surpassed – the capabilities of its Western counterparts at a fraction of the cost. Overnight, the assumption that AI breakthroughs depended on Silicon Valley-scale resources crumbled.
A new playbook
DeepSeek’s breakthrough has not only exposed the fragility of the AI exceptionalism myth but also rewritten the rules of the game. It has shown that innovation is not solely the domain of billion-dollar corporations with deep pockets. Instead, it can flourish in environments where entrepreneurship and creativity take precedence.
Beyond its technical achievements, DeepSeek’s open-source strategy has been a game-changer. By releasing its model parameters and training tools, it has democratized AI development, making it accessible to developers worldwide. This has not only attracted a global community of innovators but has also spurred a wave of creativity and collaboration. The open-source model has become a catalyst for progress, driving the development of new applications and pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve.
The impact of DeepSeek’s approach has been profound. It has challenged the traditional notion that closed-source systems are the only way to maintain a competitive edge. In fact, it has shown that openness can be a strength, fostering a culture of sharing and collaboration that benefits the entire AI community. As more developers join the open-source movement, the pace of innovation will likely accelerate, leading to even more groundbreaking advancements in the field.
“In the face of a disruptive technology, closed-source moats are sandcastles against the tide,” says Liang Wenfeng, the founder of DeepSeek. “Even if OpenAI remains closed, it can’t prevent being overtaken. True defense isn’t hiding code – it’s cultivating teams where every failure breeds institutional wisdom. That’s how you build an unshakable advantage.”
DeepSeek recommends restaurants in a mall, Shanghai, China, February 26, 2025. /CFP
An open and collaborative AI future
DeepSeek’s success has demonstrated that the future of AI is not about hoarding resources and knowledge but about creating an ecosystem where everyone can contribute and benefit. By embracing openness and collaboration, DeepSeek has brought new thinking for the industry, one that prioritizes innovation, inclusiveness, and the collective advancement of AI technology.
At the Paris AI Action Summit, DeepSeek emerged as a key player. European countries commended DeepSeek, alongside other Chinese firms, for empowering European SMEs and developers who had previously been excluded by the high costs and tech barriers of AI. Clément Delangue, the co-founder of Hugging Face, stated at the summit that, DeepSeek demonstrated that every country could be a part of the AI world, and now the whole world is rushing to catch up.
David Gosset, founder of the China-Europe-America Global Initiative, also wrote in China Daily saying: “Beyond its technological significance, DeepSeek offers a broader geopolitical lesson… Rather than adopting a defensive posture, Western countries should recognize the necessity of competitive engagement with China through internal innovation while also seeking avenues for cooperation.”
With hundreds of thousands of developers using its tools, DeepSeek is breaking down the “black box” of AI development, fostering equity and collaboration. Its open-source model is the first step toward an inclusive AI ecosystem, driving knowledge sharing, innovation, and faster adoption of technological breakthroughs.
DeepSeek’s journey is more than just a technological leap; it is a clarion call for a new era of AI development – one that is defined by openness, collaboration and inclusiveness. As the world watches, DeepSeek is not just rewriting AI’s future, it is inviting everyone to be a part of it.
(If you want to contribute and have specific expertise, please contact us at opinions@cgtn.com. Follow @thouse_opinions on Twitter to discover the latest commentaries in the CGTN Opinion Section.)
Дэлхий дахинд
Украины дулааны станц Оросын цохилтод өртөж, 100 мянган хүн халаалтгүй болжээ

Өнгөрсөн амралтын өдрүүдэд Орос дрон буюу нисгэгчгүй онгоц Украины өмнөд хэсэг рүү харважээ. Агаарын цохилтод Миколаев дахь дулааны цахилгаан станц өртөж, гэмтэл үүссэн байна.
Үүний улмаас 100 мянга орчим хүн хасах температурын хүйтэнд халаалтгүй болоод байгааг Украины эрх баригчид ням гарагт мэдээллээ.
Оросын талаас 143 дрон харвасны 95-ыг нь Украины цэргүүд унагасан байна.
Ерөнхийлөгч Володимир Зеленський “Оросууд Украины ард иргэдийн эсрэг дайралт хийлээ. Тэд дайныг зогсоох биш, үргэлжлүүлсээр байна.
Энх тайван тогтоохыг хүсэж, хэлэлцээ хийхээр бэлтгэж буй хүмүүс ийм зүйл хийхгүй” хэмээн Телеграм хуудсаараа дамжуулан мэдэгдэв.
Трамп, Путин нар өнгөрсөн долоо хоногт утсаар ярьж, дайныг зогсоох хэлэлцээг ойрын хугацаанд эхлүүлэхээр санал нэгдээд байгаа юм.
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